Exciting things to Experience this Spring Break

The thrill of Spring Breaking in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is enhanced by staying in Eureka’s mountaintop spa resort, the 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa.  Not just because it is a Historic Hotel of America, but because of the fun things to do while you are there.  This year’s experiential Spring Break Resort Activities include:

> Haunted Room Tour... sneak a peek at some of the most active paranormal rooms in “America’s Most Haunted Hotel”; the rooms you’ve seen on TV

> Flickering Tales… hear some of the most chilling ghost stories of The Ozarks as you sit around an open campfire

> Late-Night Thrillers… see some of the big screen’s greatest black & white thrillers in the Crystal Dining Room; sitting next to you just might be ghosts of the hotel’s gala grand opening held in that same room on May 20, 1886

> VIP Ghost Tours… join the hotel’s leading ghost tour guide and the author of “House of a Hundred Rooms”, as well as one of the nation’s leading experts on Norman Baker, as he takes you on an exclusive, deep-exploration tour of “America’s Most Haunted Hotel”

> Nature Trail & Grotto Cave Exploring… a chance to experience -at your own pace- those natural attractions that are just a “rock’s throw” from the hotel

> Friday Night Fun… live music, refreshments, and chance to “throw a hatchet” just like the pioneers of old

> Wine Tastings in the Crystal Dining Room & Craft Beer Tastings in the SkyBar… adults only.

> Water Color Class & Travel Photography Workshop… a chance to channel your inner artist in two distinct mediums

> Plus such “ya gotta do ‘em” activities as New Moon & You, Morning Stretch, Campfire Fun (s’mores included), Fitness Walk, Crescent Art Tour, Sunrise Stretch, History Tour, Gentle Yoga Flow, “Not Really A Door” Performance, Scenic Power Walk, High Times in the SkyBar, and more!

And if that’s not enough to keep you entertained and busy, the Crescent’s shuttle van will take you downtown to discover Eureka Springs’ Downtown Shopping & Entertainment District.  Also, super family attractions in Greater Eureka Springs can be found at EurekaSpringsOnline.com/spring-break-2019/.

Now you can see why the only thing Spring Breakers at the historic 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa ask for are a few more days to experience even more family fun and activities.  So make your reservations today; rooms are filling up fast.

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